Faster Android development with data binding

Android Data Binding creates a link between UI layer and the underlying data model that holds the information to display. In normal Android app, it is necessary to find the view and update the content. Every time data changes the User Interface widget (TextView, ImageView etc.) bound to it is needs to be update. Lots of hours were wasted on writing and maintaining trivial and almost useless code occupying tens or even hundreds of lines in almost all Activity.

Android Data Binding library minimize the code for app logic with its UI view. It eliminates the need for these method calls “findViewById” and “setText.”
The real power of data binding is when the updating of a value occurs at many points in an application code. In that situation, the developer doesn’t have to keep track of all the ways a value can be updated. Using data binding can lead to faster development times, faster execution times and more readable and maintained code.

Android data binding generates binding classes at compile time for layouts.

Getting Ready

The Data Binding Library is available for android platforms from Android 2.1 (API 7) and newer. Add the dataBinding element to your app build.gradle file to enable Data Binding.

android {
    dataBinding.enabled = true

Binding Layout and Objects

Binding layout files must be configured slightly differently from default layout files. All layout files that intend to use data binding techniques must have a layout<> root tag.

To bind objects it is required to add data<> tag within the layout tag, before the UI view root. data<> element can have multiple variable<> tag within it that describes a property that can be used within the layout.

Our sample activity_main.xml layout would be looks like:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layout xmlns:android=""

            type="com.androidjavapoint.databindingsample.User" />


            android:text="@{user.firstname}" />

            android:text="@{user.lastname}" />


public class User {
   /* constructor */
    private String firstname;
    private String lastname;
   /* getters and setters */


In the layout above, you can see that <layout> used as a root tag and is used as a data object in the <variable> tag inside <data> tag. Apart from this TextViews have their text set using data binding “@{}” syntax (@{user.firstname} and @{user.lastname}).

Data Binding Activity

Now we have a layout file that is data binding capable. To utilize its data binding ability we have to load it in a different way. With data binding, a Binding class is auto generated from your layout file. By default, Binding class is generated based on the layout file name converted into CamelCase with “Binding” suffix added to it like activity_main.xml will result in a class called ActivityMainBinding.

To associate this generated binding class, need to invoke setContentView of DataBindingUtil class like.

// This was the typical way
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final TextView textFirstName = (TextView)findViewById(;
    final TextView textLastName = (TextView)findViewById(;

// This was the new way to do using data binding
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    ActivityMainBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main);
    User myUser = new User("TestFirstName", "TestLastName");

Data binding also do automatic null checks, which is really cool. If you want to access the name, but user is null, how much of pain in the neck would it be to write user null ? null : user.firstName null ? :? You don’t want to do that. Now, if contact is null, the whole expression in null.

You can use

Ternary Operator
android:text="@{user.lastName != null ? user.lastName :}”/>

Type Conversion

Resources and String
android:padding="@{isBig ? @dimen/bigPadding : @dimen/smallPadding}"/>

String formatting
android:text="@{@string/nameFormat(firstName, lastName)}"/>

Inline plurals

            <import type="com.androidjavapoint.User"/>
            <import type="java.util.List"/>
            <variable name="user" type="User"/>
            <variable name="userList" type="List<User>"/>

Event Handling
Using data binding you can also handle events right from the layout xml using either

            1. Method references, or
      2. Listener bindings

Method References

Events can be bound to handler methods directly, similar to the way android:onClick can be assigned to a method in an Activity. One major advantage compared to the View#onClick attribute is that the expression is processed at compile time, so if the method does not exist or its signature is not correct, you receive a compile time error.

For example, we create a class ActivityHandler, with a simple method called onButtonClick to handle button clicks like-

public class ActivityHandler {
    public void onButtonClick (View view) {
            // do stuff

In the layout file, declare ActivityHandler variable, and set the Button android:onClick using “@{buttonHandler:: onButtonClick }”.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layout xmlns:android="">

Listener Bindings

These are lambda expressions that are evaluated when the event happens. Data binding always creates a listener, which it sets on the view. When the event is dispatched, the listener evaluates the lambda expression.

public class Presenter {
    public void onSaveClick(Task task){}

Then you can bind the click event to your class as follows:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layout xmlns:android="">
          <variable name="task" type=" com.androidjavapoint.databindingsample Task" />
          <variable name="presenter" type=" com.androidjavapoint.databindingsample.Presenter" />
      <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">
          <Button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
          android:onClick="@{() -> presenter.onSaveClick(task)}" />

Observable Objects

Another way to achieve data change notifications involves the use of Observable objects. These are objects that either implement the Observable interface, or extend the BaseObservable class.

In case of implementing Observer interface in each setter method, called notifyPropertyChanged() method, and for each getter, add @Bindable annotation.

BaseObservable class:

Suppose you have User class and used it in the layout xml to populate data on UI.  So while extending it via BaseObservable class along with required changes as mention then whenever the value of User gets change it will notify directly to UI.


private static class User extends BaseObservable {

   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;
   public String getFirstName() {
       return this.firstName;
   public String getLastName() {
       return this.lastName;
   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
       this.firstName = firstName;
   public void setLastName(String lastName) {
       this.lastName = lastName;

The Bindable annotation generates an entry in the BR class file during compilation. The BR class is generated file like R class. Here notify is done by adding notifyPropertyChanged.

Observable interface:

Android data binding gives you the PropertyChangeRegistry class that lets you essentially take those callbacks and notify them. 


public class User implements Observable {
    private PropertyChangeRegistry registry = new PropertyChangeRegistry();

   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;

   public String getFirstName() {
       return this.firstName;

   public String getLastName() {
       return this.lastName;

   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
       this.firstName = firstName;
       registry.notifyChange(this, BR.firstName);


   public void setLastName(String lastName) {
       this.lastName = lastName;
       registry.notifyChange(this, BR.lastName);

    public void addOnPropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChangedCallback callback) {

    public void removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChangedCallback callback) {


The observer using @Bindable and notifyPropertyChanged getters and setters in model class User is bulky Right? They clutter up the code and force us to do a lot of routine work.

ObservableField are autonomous observable objects with one field. You can access them with get() and set() methods that automatically notify View about changes. To use it you need to create a public final field in your class.

public class User {
    public final ObservableField<String> firstname = new ObservableField<>();
    public final ObservableField<String> lastname = new ObservableField<>();

In Java class access getter and setter looks like-
String = user.lastName.get();

You can use these as normal properties in binding expressions:


With the ObservableMap, you can access values in your map like any normal map and the UI will be updated when changes occur.
    <variable name="user"
    type="android.databinding.ObservableMap&lt;String, Object&gt;"/>
<!-- ... -->
    android:text=' @{user["firstName"]} '/>

And you’d use the ObservableMap in your code:

ObservableMap<String, Object> user = new ObservableArrayMap<>();
user.put("firstName", "Test Name");

Any time the product object changes, it will update the UI.


Sometimes we want to do something more complex than simply calling a setter on the View. You can use it to redefine the behavior of the existing attributes and create your own attributes without thinking about attrs.xml. A very common example is loading images off the UI thread.

In order to do it you need to create a public static method accepting as input View of the necessary type and value we specify in the layout. The method itself should have @BindingAdapter annotation and in its body you should specify string with the name of the attribute.


If we did not do anything then data binding system would look for a setImageUrl() method on ImageView and not find it. Here we have created a way to set the “app:imageUrl” attribute.  You can also use default “android:src” attribute instead of create own.

public static void setImageUrl(ImageView imageView, String url) {
    if (url == null) {
    } else {
        // load image from URL

As you can see now we can do whatever we want in that code. We can now load off the UI thread, just like we want to.


As we have noticed Android data binding is a very interesting and powerful feature and it can simplify a lot app building. It avoids the use of reflection and generates binding classes at compile time for layouts you indicate will use data binding. Also, the view hierarchy is only traversed once to find your views. For a more in depth and longer discussion, check out the data binding android developer article.

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